A university is an institution that provides education and training leading to intermediate and full academic or professional qualifications, such as certificates, diplomas, and degrees.

The process of establishing a university institution in Tanzania involves two key steps:

  1. Application for a Provisional Licence, and
  2. Application for a Certificate of Accreditation.

The Provisional Licence is valid for three years and can be renewed once.

To initiate this process, the individual or institution intending to establish a university must submit a formal application (in English) to the Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU). The application must include a duly completed TCU Form No. 1, accompanied by the following documents:

  1. Three copies of the project write-up for the proposed university.
  2. Evidence of the basic facilities necessary for the development of the proposed university.
  3. A title deed or other proof of ownership (in the name of the proposed university) for the proposed facilities.
  4. A master plan outlining the long-term development of the proposed university.
  5. An implementation plan corresponding to the submitted master plan.
  6. Draft curricula for the initial academic programmes and the proposed fee structure.
  7. A draft charter, prepared using the model charter provided by the Commission. For a university with a foreign charter, the application must include the approved foreign charter along with a supporting letter from the accrediting body of the foreign university.
  8. Details of the applicant, including the proposed location of the university and any other information required by the Commission. 

Applicants are required to pay a non-refundable application fee as follows:
•    TZS 5,000,000 (five million Tanzanian Shillings) for local investors, or
•    USD 5,000 (five thousand United States Dollars) for foreign investors.
This fee must be paid in advance.

A holder of a Provisional Licence who has met the stipulated conditions may proceed to apply for accreditation using TCU Form No. 9.

Steps for Establishment of Universities

The process of establishing a university institution in Tanzania involves ten (10) steps, as outlined below:

Step 1

The applicant submits an application to establish a university institution in Tanzania, in accordance with the provisions of the Universities Act.

Step 2

The Commission conducts a verification process (due diligence exercise) to assess the information submitted by the applicant. This includes ensuring compliance with applicable laws, such as foreign investment regulations and anti-money laundering laws.

Step 3

If the applicant is cleared in Step 2, they must submit the necessary documents required for the grant of a Provisional Licence. These include the project write-up, action plan and timetable, draft Charter, initial academic programmes, staff profiles, and other relevant information.

Step 4

If the application is deemed complete, the Commission forms a Technical Evaluation Committee (TEC) to assess and verify the information provided in support of the application for a Provisional Licence.

Step 5

If the report from the Technical Evaluation Committee is positive, the Commission grants a Provisional Licence, allowing the applicant to establish the proposed university institution at the approved location.

Step 6

The applicant works in close collaboration with the Commission to facilitate the establishment of the proposed university institution. During this process, the applicant must address quality assurance matters, including programme design and development, facility planning, provision of learning resources, staffing, governance, administration, by-laws, and disciplinary mechanisms.

Step 7

The Commission verifies the progress made in meeting the requirements related to the availability of academic programs, facilities, teaching and learning resources, and staff.

Step 8

The applicant submits an application for the Certificate of Accreditation and the Charter.

Step 9

Subject to satisfactory progress in Step 7, the Commission grants the Certificate of Accreditation, registers the university institution, and authorises it to admit students and issue awards in its own name.

Step 10

The Commission submits the draft Charter of the accredited university to the President for approval. Following the approval of the Charter, the Commission continues to carry out quality assurance activities as stipulated by the Universities Act and the institution’s Charter.