
Institution Details

  • Institution Name: University of Iringa (UoI)
  • Address: P. O. Box 200, Iringa, Tanzania
  • E-mail:
  • Website:
  • Accreditation Status: Accredited
  • Registration No.: CR1/030
S/N Programme University Institution Award Level Duration in Months Qualification Framework Study Mode
21 Bachelor of Arts in Community Development University of Iringa (UoI) Bachelor 36 UQF 8 Full Time
22 Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Anthropology and Tourism University of Iringa (UoI) Bachelor 36 UQF 8 Full Time
23 Bachelor of Arts in Journalism University of Iringa (UoI) Bachelor 36 UQF 8 Full Time
24 Bachelor of Business Administration University of Iringa (UoI) Bachelor 36 UQF 8 Full Time
25 Bachelor of Business in Marketing University of Iringa (UoI) Bachelor 36 UQF 8 Full Time
26 Bachelor of Business in Procurement and Supply Chain Management University of Iringa (UoI) Bachelor 36 UQF 8 Full Time
27 Bachelor of Couselling Psychology University of Iringa (UoI) Bachelor 36 UQF 8 Full Time
28 Bachelor of Economics and Finance University of Iringa (UoI) Bachelor 36 UQF 8 Full Time
29 Bachelor of Education (Arts) University of Iringa (UoI) Bachelor 36 UQF 8 Full Time
30 Bachelor of Education (Mathematics) University of Iringa (UoI) Bachelor 36 UQF 8 Full Time
31 Bachelor of Human Resource Management University of Iringa (UoI) Bachelor 36 UQF 8 Full Time
32 Bachelor of Laws University of Iringa (UoI) Bachelor 36 UQF 8 Full Time
33 Bachelor of Science in Economics and Finance University of Iringa (UoI) Bachelor 36 UQF 8 Full Time
34 Bachelor of Theology University of Iringa (UoI) Bachelor 36 UQF 8 Full Time
35 Diploma in Accountancy University of Iringa (UoI) Diploma 24 UQF 6 Full Time
36 Diploma in Business Administration University of Iringa (UoI) Diploma 24 UQF 6 Full Time
37 Diploma in Community Development University of Iringa (UoI) Diploma 24 UQF 6 Full Time
38 Diploma in Counseling Psychology University of Iringa (UoI) Diploma 24 UQF 6 Full Time
39 Diploma in Human Resource Management University of Iringa (UoI) Diploma 24 UQF 6 Full Time
40 Diploma in Information Technology University of Iringa (UoI) Diploma 24 UQF 6 Full Time