If you have obtained a university education abroad and wish to work or pursue further studies in the United Republic of Tanzania, your foreign qualifications must be recognised by the TCU. Recognition is conducted through an online system namely Foreign Award Assessment System (FAAS).
For foreigners applying for studies in Tanzania. It is not necessary to apply independently for recognition as Tanzanian universities can submit such applications on behalf during the admission processes.
TCU evaluates and recognises foreign qualifications based on academic standards and principles derived from various conventions, regional agreements and national policies. Some professions in Tanzania are legally regulated. This means that beyond academic recognition, additional licensing or professional registration is required to practice in these fields after fulfilling certain requirements. Therefore, recognition of academic qualifications alone does not guarantee authorisation to practice or work within a regulated profession. One has to apply for and receive an authorisation and or professional recognition from the relevant professional authority. Some regulated professions in Tanzania can be found in the list of Professional Registration Authorities.
Dissatisfied applicants may appeal on the TCU’s decision within a specified time frame, as outlined under the Appeal Procedures.